Wow! It has been a LONG time since I’ve shared any deals here or written any posts. I’ve been missing in action because we took a homeschooling sabbatical for the past two years, and I didn’t feel like I should write here since we weren’t homeschooling. (I don’t really know why since I still had 7.5 years of homeschool experience I could share…I just didn’t want to feel like I was being hypocritical, I guess? I’m not sure….).
Anyway, I have three big pieces of news to share with you today!
1) At least one of my daughters is coming back to homeschool in the fall, and possibly my middle daughter, too. My oldest…probably not, but that’s another story for another day! I recently started posting again on my YouTube channel and shared about how we are returning to homeschool. You can find that video here.
2) I am trying to be much more active on my Amazing Mess blog, so you can also find me there. I also have started sharing homeschool videos on YouTube each week and I have a new podcast! You can find out more about both on the blog…and sign up to win a copy of The Jesus Storybook Bible + God’s Little Explorers Preschool Digital Download.
3) I also plan to get up one post per week on Homeschooling on a Dime with the latest homeschool deals and freebies. If you are still interested, that newsletter will come out once per week. If you are an email subscriber, and you aren’t really interested, please feel free to unsubscribe. I only want you to get things in your inbox that are of value to you!
That’s all my news for today! I hope you are having an amazing summer and making memories with your kids!
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