Well, it feels like summer has arrived! We had our first swim club practice of the season this morning–and while it was definitely cold in the water, the girls were super-excited to be swimming again. As I was thinking about all our summer holds, I was reminded of something else I love about summer…
Ice Cream!!
I guess the ice cream truck came by while the girls were fishing and playing at the park yesterday. Since they were with daddy, it sounds like they got a treat (he’s a sucker)! 🙂 I didn’t even realize ice cream trucks were still in existence in our area. With ice cream on the brain, I set out to make these yummy printables! There are all kinds of activities and ideas you could make with these free ice cream printables, and I share some of them below.
I highly recommend laminating them (this is our favorite laminator). If you wanted to try more than one activity with them, you could use a dry erase marker to write on them. It usually comes off fairly easily with a slightly damp paper towel or rag.
You can access the Free Printable Ice Cream Cones here.
Here are a few ideas for using them:
Printable Ice Cream Cone Chore Chart for Kids
You can make a chore chart for kids with the ice cream printables. Cut apart the cones and ice cream tops, write (or draw) chores on the scoops, and put magnets on the back. Place them on your refrigerator or other magnetic surface. When your child completes a chore, they move the scoop on top of their cone. Reward them after so many scoops or days of completing their cones.
(This is a great chore chart idea for your kinesthetic learners, too!)
Printable Ice Cream Scoops Reading Reward Activity
Many stores and libraries are offering free summer reading programs for kids, but you can make your own summer reading program at home using the free ice cream cone printables! When your child finishes a book, add the title of the book to a scoop, and put it on the cone. Once your child has read a certain amount, reward them with ice cream (or whatever you desire)!
Ice Cream Cone Busy Bags
Busy bags are a great way to keep your toddler or preschooler entertained (and learning, too). You can check out three ice cream busy bag ideas over at Motherhood on a Dime.
Let me know if you come up with any other great ways to use these free ice cream cone printables!
There’s got to be a way to have more literacy fun with these scoops too! Maybe word family (rimes?) ice cream sundaes?
Ooh! I like that idea!!