This summer, we will be doing quite a few science experiments. During the school year, we were a little lax on our experimenting, but I know the girls really love them, so I’m trying to make it up to them!
I wanted a way to keep track of the experiments we did, so I decided to design a printable scientific method worksheet to record and document them. There are slight variations on the wording and exactly how the “scientific method” works, so I’ll share our steps.
Scientific Method (Printable for Kids)
1) Ask a Question: If you already have an experiment in mind, begin by piquing interest with a question. Otherwise, you can do some research on a particular subject and record a question you want to answer.
2) Make a Hypothesis: Merriam-Webster defines hypothesis as “an idea or theory that is not proven but that leads to further study or discussion”. After you ask a question, have your child form a hypothesis to predict what they think will happen.
3) Test the Hypothesis: This is where you get to design the experiment and actually complete it. You’ll want to record what supplies you use and the procedure (or steps) you follow in the experiment.
4) Record the Results: Write or draw a picture to show what happened in the experiment.
5) Draw a Conclusion: Figure out if your experiment supported your hypothesis.
This is just right for primary ages. Thank you!
Great printable, especially for the younger kids. The pictures will clue them in and remind them of the process. Thanks for sharing!
Love this! Thanks!
Thank you for this awesome printable! We just conducted an experiment, and this is the perfect way to keep track.
thank you, you saved my life
Thank you for making this available. I appreciate the resource.